We conduct training and workshops on corporate human rights responsibility.

Training contents
- What is corporate human rights responsibility?
- How does our company benefit from this?
- How is our business related to human rights?
- How to get started with human rights issues?
- How to manage human rights risks in a challenging country context?
From Theory to Practice

Human rights commitment
We support companies in integrating a human rights commitment into their existing policies or in formulating a separate human rights policy document. We also support the operationalization of these commitments and provide related training.
Human rights risk mapping and assessment
We support companies in identifying and assessing their human rights risks. This can be done for the whole company, in relation to a specific area of business operations or in a specific geographical context.
Human rights risk management and monitoring
We support companies in developing human rights risk management and monitoring. Emphasis is given on the prevention and mitigation of the most significant human rights risks.
Human rights impact assessments
We carry out human rights impact assessments focusing e.g. on a certain area of business operations, a specific product, or a higher risk country context. The assessments conducted with mixed methods provide comprehensive analyses, conclusions, and recommendations for follow-up actions.
Grievance mechanisms
We support companies in developing functioning and safe channels for employees and other stakeholders to report on human rights risks and impacts, and their related concerns. We also support development of clear processes and practices for handling the reported cases and possible provision of remedy.